Wednesday 9 December 2009

Hand Tattooing Assignment

Here is my response to the Tattooing assignment.
Using Photoshop, I have been able to extract my hand from the original photo I took using a 8 mega pixel camera and place it onto a Sky background canvas. After this I applied autobiographical statements and one worded facts about myself to fill the space of the hand (complying to the rules of 30 and 45 degree angles only). I have applied different font styles and colours to emphasise which facts about myself are most important about me. The bigger the font size, the more important it is about me.

Monday 2 November 2009

This is it!

Here is my final design for the Creation of Digital Signature assignment. I came up with this idea using a font similar to the British Funk/Jazz band: Jamiroquai. This font is commonly used on their album covers since 1993. This is a very to me as it brings out the funk side within me. The colour themes I went for expand on the idea of the Union Jack, our countries flag. Using these colours based on the flag brings out my patriotic vibe to this country. "It's a good day to be British!"

Sunday 1 November 2009

Keepin' it Rough

Here are some of the earliest rough ideas for my Digital Signature. It's mainly experimenting with positioning along with certain shapes and custom fonts that I have made up through rough drawings and sketches. Some colour has been used to display various ideas of what colour would be. My intial idea for the final design would be to initially have a large font, something that would match my personality and mixing my favourite colours would come to best effect to make the Digital Signature more of my own.

Sunday 25 October 2009

IDAT 107

Here it is, The IDAT107 Blog is operational!

I've currently been assigned the task of 'Creating my own Digital Signature' using a handy program called "Adobe Illustrator".

Here are some idea's I've built up over this week :)

The 5th digital signature isn't showing up for some random reason...